Hey Guys.
We hope you had a very good weekend. As mentioned ,in an earlier post, we have rolled out our Millennial Series which celebrates those who are succeeding against the deck stacked against them. So far, we have had Author and Lawyer, Hawa Allan, and West Point Grad and Financial Executive, Capt.. Jevan Willis, Ret. We have more coming. It is important that we show them the respect and gratitude they rightfully deserve. They are raising our future.
On the 18th of February, we are interviewing the first African-American to be elected to the office of Bronx Borough President. She will be on our Friday Live at 6 PM. You will not want to miss it.
Next up ,on Feb. 25th, we will be interviewing Ms. Mutter Evans. She is one of the first African American women to own a radio station in this country.
Don't for get to follow us on the various social media platforms and sign up on our website so that you will be alerted to upcoming events.
Thank you for your support of the TWW
